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Learning from experiences of COVID-19 and Intensive care

THIS Institute fellowship project

From September 2020-July 2022 I worked as a THIS Institute Fellow on a study on Experiences of Covid and intensive care.


In the first part of the study, I collected 40 patient narratives of those who were admitted to Intensive care when they were critically ill with COVID-19,  and narratives of family members of patients who survived, and of those who did not. I analysed the narratives and wrote them up for a new section on, an online resources about patient experiences of various health conditions.


For the second part of the study I conducted focus groups in which selected video-excerpts of these interviews ('catalyst films') informed conversations about possibilities for health service improvements.

Forms of care: Welcome

Conference presentations

Driessen, A. (2022) Making patient knowledge matter: the place of narratives of COVID19 and critical illness for developing health service improvements, EASST, Madrid, July 6-9, 2022


Driessen, A. (2022) Walking charts, dogs and discharge summaries: Recovery work of COVID19 intensive care patients and relatives in the UK, British Sociological Association


Driessen, A. (2022) “Navigating narratives of COVID19 and Intensive Care experiences: Taming fluidity and multiplicity for peer support and health service improvement.” Mobilising methods in Medical Anthropology, Conference, Royal Anthropological Institute (remotely)

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